User:RemDogKap/SandBox/Build U-Boot and OpenSBI From Source

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Preparing the Build Environment

Fist, install the cross-compiler and if not already installed, git.

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu git

[Optional] Check the version of the riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc compiler.

Create or enter the directory where the files used in this guide will be stored. This tutorial will be using the Linux home directory.

Home Directory Example

New Directory Example

Clone the StarFive Tools GitHub repository. This will be used to create the .bin.normal.out SPL image and provide the .its FIT image tree source file which provides the configuration for the .img U-Boot image file.

$ git clone --depth 1

Compile the SPL Tool used to create the SPL image in the <working_directory>/Tools/spl_tool/ directory using make.

$ make -C Tools/spl_tool/


Clone the U-Boot GitHub repository. The entire history is not needed (--depth 1) and we want the Star64 branch (-b Star64).

$ git clone --depth 1 -b Star64

Enter the U-Boot directory.

$ cd u-boot/

Select the U-Boot configuration for the Star64, marking the architecture as RISC-V (ARCH=riscv) and using the cross-compiler installed earlier(CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu-).

$ make pine64_star64_defconfig ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu-

Finally, compile U-Boot.

$ make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu-

This should create three files.

  1. The U-Boot binary, later packaged as an OpenSBI payload, located at <working_directory>/u-boot/u-boot.bin.
  2. The device tree blob (binary), which contains information on the characteristics of the device and is passed to the operating system instead of hard-coding device configurations into the operating system, and is located at <working_directory>/u-boot/arch/riscv/dts/pine64_star64.dtb.
  3. The U-Boot secondary program loader which will later be packaged into the u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out file and is located at <working_directory>/u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin.


Return to the directory where the files for this build are stored. In this case it is the Linux home directory. Unless you have since changed directories,

$ cd ..

should return to to the directory before the U-Boot section.

Clone the OpenSBI U-Boot repository and enter its directory. The entire history is not needed (--depth 1).

$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd opensbi/

Compile OpenSBI using make. Make sure to set

  1. the architecture as RISC-V (ARCH=riscv)
  2. the compiler as the cross-compiler installed earlier (CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu-)
  3. the platform as generic (PLATFORM=generic)
  4. the OpenSBI payload path as the path to the u-boot.bin file created in the U-Boot step (FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=<working_directory>/u-boot/u-boot.bin)
  5. the flattened device tree (device tree blob) as the pine64_star64.dtb file created in the U-Boot step (FW_FDT_PATH=<working_directory>/u-boot/arch/riscv/dts/pine64_star64.dtb)
  6. FW_TEXT_START as 0x40000000 (FW_TEXT_START=0x40000000).
$ make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- PLATFORM=generic FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=<working_directory>/u-boot/u-boot.bin FW_FDT_PATH=<working_directory>/u-boot/arch/riscv/dts/pine64_star64.dtb FW_TEXT_START=0x40000000

Make sure to replace <working_directory> with the directory created or chosen in Preparing the Build Environment. Example

This should create one file, fw_payload.bin, which contains OpenSBI with U-Boot as the payload. The file is located at opensbi/build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_payload.bin.

Creating the SPL File

Go to the directory the SPL Tool compiled earlier is located in. If these instructions were followed exactly the following should work:

$ cd ../Tools/spl_tool/

Use the SPL Tool to create the u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out SPL image.

$ ./spl_tool -c -f <working_directory>/u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin

Make sure to replace <working_directory> with the directory created or chosen in Preparing the Build Environment. Example

This should produce a u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out file located at <working_directory>/u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out

Creating the fw_payload File

Return to the directory where the files for this build are stored. In this case it is the Linux home directory. Unless you have since changed directories,

$ cd ..

should work.

Enter the <working_directory>/Tools/uboot_its/ directory which holds the .its FIT image tree source file which provides the configuration for the .img U-Boot image file.

$ cd Tools/uboot_its/

The process of making the U-Boot image requires the fw_payload.bin created earlier so copy that to the current directory.

$ cp <working_directory>/opensbi/build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_payload.bin ./

Make sure to replace <working_directory> with the directory created or chosen in Preparing the Build Environment. Example

Make the star64_fw_payload.img U-Boot image file using the U-Boot mkimage tool. The mkimage tool is located in the <working_directory>/u-boot/tools/ directory but requires the visionfive2-uboot-fit-image.its file which is located in <working_directory>/Tools/uboot_its/ so should be executed in the uboot_its directory.

$ <working_directory>/tools/mkimage -f visionfive2-uboot-fit-image.its -A riscv -O u-boot -T firmware star64_fw_payload.img

Make sure to replace <working_directory> with the directory created or chosen in Preparing the Build Environment. Example

There is currently no .its file specifically for the Star64 so the VisionFive2's .its file is used instead as they share a processor.

This should produce a file called star64_fw_payload.img in the <working_directory>/Tools/uboot_its/ directory
