User:Vitali/Create a bootable Debian/Linux SDCard for the Pine64/Star64 from scratch

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This guide is for advance users only. In the process we will build every part necessary to boot the star64 until the kernel from source. For people interested to just get the star64 to boot I would recommend to search for a guide using a SDCard image.

This guide is a compilation of mostly already available information but this guide tries to glue all the parts together to make them work. All original sources are linked for reference.

By following this guide you will compile u-boot/spl, u-boot, opensbi and the linux kernel for the pine64/star64 and create a bootable SDCard by creating and populating the necessary partitions on the SDCard. Finally the precompiled official unstable Debian riscv64 port will be installed to the rootfs partition on the SDCard. By using qemu and systemd-nspawn we will be able to execute debootstrap to install a foreign architecture (e.g. install riscv64 while running debootstrap on a amd64 host). Also minimal configuration of the rootfs is done on the host computer. All commands are documented in a way to be easy repeatable and will produce a ready to boot and configured SDCard image. You can of course modify configurations done on the host to your preference.

In contrast to methods using buildroot or yocto this guide is compiling each component separately. And the advantage of using debian is that you will have access to thousands of precompiled debian packages.


Install qemu, systemd-nspawn and a riscv compiler.

sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu systemd-container qemu debootstrap pwgen

Optional: Create .env file with your environment settings. Or Just set them directly.

nano .env
# cross compiler
# where to store apt cache, for faster installs
# arbitrary path where the rootfs will be mounted at
# SDCard dev path

# hostname of the target, can be left empty

# username you are logged in your host system this name will be also used to create a new user on the newly created rootfs.
test "$USER" = root && { echo "USER can't be root"; exit; }

PASSWORD=$(pwgen -1)

AUTHORIZED_KEY=$(ssh-keygen -f /home/$USER/.ssh/id_ed25519 -y)

# define helper functions
function star64_mount() {
    mkdir -p ${ROOTFS?}/
    sudo -E mount ${USBDEV:?}4 ${ROOTFS?}/
    sudo mkdir -p ${ROOTFS?}/boot
    sudo -E mount -o umask=0000 ${USBDEV:?}3 ${ROOTFS?}/boot
function star64_unmount() {
    sudo umount ${ROOTFS?}/boot
    sudo umount ${ROOTFS?}/
source .env

Connect Serial Cable

It is a good idea to first make sure the serial connection is working. Make sure the boot switches are set to boot from UART.

GOIO_0  1 │X │
GPIO_1  2 │X │
        H      L

Connect and monitor the serial port as stated in the Troubleshooting Section: Serial / UART. You should see repeatably printing of ‘C’. After making sure the serial works we can change it to SDCard boot mode.

GOIO_0  1 │ X│
GPIO_1  2 │X │
        H      L


Build each of the following projects. Make sure to navigate back into your base project directory (e.g. /tmp/star64) if you proceed to build the next project. After completing this guide it should at least contain the directories: linux opensbi Tools u-boot.

Build tools

Build spl_tool.

git clone --depth 1
make -C Tools/spl_tool

Build OpenSBI

git clone --depth 1
cd opensbi

For more insight about the u-boot boot process you can find more useful information in the u-boot visionfive2 docs.

Build U-Boot

Make sure to build Tools and openSBI before proceeding.

The upsteam u-boot builds the u-boot.itb automatically by using openSBIs fw_dynamic.bin. But the upstream u-boot does not boot properly (Last checked: 26-05-23)… Therefore we use the fw_payload.bin method with the starfive/u-boot.

git clone --depth 1 -b Star64
cd u-boot

CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} make pine64_star64_defconfig
CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} make OPENSBI=../opensbi/build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_dynamic.bin -j

make -C ../opensbi CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} PLATFORM=generic \
    FW_FDT_PATH=../u-boot/arch/riscv/dts/pine64_star64.dtb \
    FW_PAYLOAD_FDT_ADDR=0x40080000 \
    FW_PAYLOAD_OFFSET=0x00100000 \
    FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=../u-boot/u-boot.bin \

ln -s ../../opensbi/build/platform/generic/firmware/fw_payload.bin ../Tools/uboot_its/
tools/mkimage -f ../Tools/uboot_its/visionfive2-uboot-fit-image.its -A riscv -O u-boot -T firmware u-boot.itb

Create a SPL header as stated in u-boot visionfive2 docs and spl_tool:

../Tools/spl_tool/spl_tool -c -f spl/u-boot-spl.bin

Update with Linux

If you alreay have Linux running on the star64 and want to update u-boot you can do that like that:

scp u-boot.itb ${MNAME?}:/tmp
ssh ${MNAME?} sudo dd if=/tmp/u-boot.itb of=/dev/mmcblk1p2

More infos on the u-boot build process with gcc. I strongly recommend to read JH7110Boot User Guide for more information on the boot process.

Partition the SDCard

After build OpenSBI and U-Boot from above we can proceed to setup the partitions for the SDCard and write u-boot-spl into the SPL-partition and u-boot into the UBOOT-partition.

# Set the SDCard dev path (content will be lost)
sudo su # continue with caution!
source .env
fdisk -l ${USBDEV:?} # make sure its in fact the right drive

lsblk ${USBDEV:?} -n | grep -q part && \
    { echo "delete partitions with 'wipefs --all ${USBDEV:?}' first"; exit; }

sfdisk ${USBDEV:?} <<EOF
label: gpt
: start=4096, size=2MiB, name=SPL, type=2E54B353-1271-4842-806F-E436D6AF6985
: size=4MiB, name=UBOOT, type=BC13C2FF-59E6-4262-A352-B275FD6F7172
: size=512MiB, name=BOOT, type=EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
: name=SYSTEM, type=0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4

mkfs.vfat -F 32 ${USBDEV:?}3
mkfs.ext4 -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0 ${USBDEV:?}4

# if you install on eMMC: execute:
# Tools/spl_tool/spl_tool --fix-imghdr -f ${USBDEV:?}

dd if=u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out of=${USBDEV:?}1
dd if=u-boot/u-boot.itb of=${USBDEV:?}2

You can find more about the partition layout on JH7110_Boot_UG Page 8 Table1-3 SD/eMMC Boot Address Allocation and u-boot/visionfive2: create bootable image: flashing

Build the Linux kernel

# alternative:
git clone --depth 1 -b Star64_devel linux
cd linux/

ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} make pine64_star64_defconfig

# if you need any extra symbols for your kernel

# or by command line
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} scripts/config \
    -m ATA \
    -m SATA_AHCI \

# set new defaults if changed by command line
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=${CROSS_COMPILE?} make olddefconfig


Copy the Linux kernel to SDCard

Make sure to build the Linux kernel and Partition the SDCard before proceeding.


cp -v linux/arch/riscv/boot/Image.gz ${ROOTFS?}/boot
# cp initramfs.cpio.gz ${ROOTFS?}/boot # don't have one...
cp -v linux/arch/riscv/boot/dts/starfive/jh7110-pine64-star64.dtb ${ROOTFS?}/boot

    INSTALL_PATH=${ROOTFS?}/boot \
    make -C linux install modules_install headers_install


Update with Linux

If you already have Linux running on the star64 and want to update the linux kernel you can do that like that:

rsync --rsync-path='sudo rsync' arch/riscv/boot/Image.gz ${MNAME?}:/boot
    INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/tmp/modules \
    make modules_install
rsync -rv --rsync-path='sudo rsync' /tmp/modules/lib/modules/ ${MNAME?}:/lib/modules

Debootstrap the Debian riscv64 rootfs

Make sure to setup binfmt. Check if it is available with mount | grep binfmt_misc and cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-riscv64.

Copy and past the star64_install_debian function into bash and execute it or create a script file from that function. You can also execute them one by one if you prefer.

You can also just run the debootstrap command and setup Debian on your own. But at least set a root password so you can login over serial.

For reference read debootstrap.

Alternatively if you dont want to use qemu and systemd-nspawn you can just follow the Star64: Armbian Installation guide instead of debootsraping Debian.

#switch to root
sudo su
source .env

function star64_install_debian() {
MNAME=${MNAME:-"star64-$(pwgen 4 -1 -A)"}
mkdir -p ${APT_CACHE_DIR:-/tmp/apt/cache}

debootstrap --foreign --cache-dir=/mnt/data/tmp/apt-riscv --arch=riscv64 --no-check-gpg --include=debian-ports-archive-keyring,usrmerge,openssh-server,htop,vim,nano,tcpdump,sudo,curl,wget,iputils-ping,fdisk,gdisk,pciutils,usbutils,screen,rsync,firmware-linux-free unstable ${ROOTFS?}
cp /usr/bin/qemu-riscv64 ${ROOTFS?}/usr/bin/
chroot ${ROOTFS?} /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

NSPAWN="systemd-nspawn -M $MNAME -D ${ROOTFS?} --quiet --no-pager"

# ${NSPAWN?} sed -i 's/main/main non-free/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
# ${NSPAWN?} apt update
# ${NSPAWN?} apt install -y firmware-linux-nonfree

PASSWORD=${PASSWORD:-$(pwgen 8 -1 -A)}
echo "Your root/$USER password is set to $PASSWORD"
${NSPAWN?} useradd --shell /bin/bash --create-home ${USER:-user}
${NSPAWN?} sh -c "echo root:$PASSWORD | chpasswd"
${NSPAWN?} sh -c "echo ${USER:-user}:$PASSWORD | chpasswd"
echo "$MNAME" > ${ROOTFS?}/etc/hostname
echo " $MNAME" >> ${ROOTFS?}/etc/hosts

echo "${USER:-user} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > ${ROOTFS?}/etc/sudoers.d/${USER:-user}
install -o 1000 -g 1000 -d -m 0700 ${ROOTFS?}/home/${USER:-user}/.ssh/
install -o 1000 -g 1000 -m 0644 <(echo "$AUTHORIZED_KEY") ${ROOTFS?}/home/${USER:-user}/.ssh/authorized_keys

mkdir -p ${ROOTFS?}/boot

test -b ${USBDEV:-''} && {
echo "PARTUUID=$(blkid ${USBDEV:?}4 --output value | tail -1)        /            ext4     defaults,noatime    0    0" >> ${ROOTFS?}/etc/fstab
echo "PARTUUID=$(blkid ${USBDEV:?}3 --output value | tail -1)        /boot        vfat     defaults,noatime    0    0" >> ${ROOTFS?}/etc/fstab
echo "none                                                 /tmp         tmpfs    defaults,noatime    0    0" >> ${ROOTFS?}/etc/fstab

${NSPAWN?} sh -c "
systemctl enable networking
systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
systemctl enable ssh

cat > ${ROOTFS?}/etc/systemd/network/ <<EOF


echo "nameserver" > ${ROOTFS?}/etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> ${ROOTFS?}/etc/resolv.conf

test -d ssh_host && {
sudo rsync --chown=root:root -vr ssh_host/etc/ssh/ ${ROOTFS?}/etc/ssh/
sudo chmod 600 ${ROOTFS?}/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
sudo chmod +r ${ROOTFS?}/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*.pub


tee ${ROOTFS?}/boot/vf2_uEnv.txt <<'EOF'
bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 rootwait earlycon=sbi root=/dev/mmcblk1p4 rw
distro_bootcmd=fatload mmc 1:3 0x60200000 Image.gz; \
    fatload mmc 1:3 ${fdt_addr_r} jh7110-pine64-star64.dtb \
    unzip 0x60200000 ${kernel_addr_r}; \
    booti ${kernel_addr_r} - ${fdt_addr_r}



Project versions used (last git commit hash)

  • linux: 7943fd6427b0abd25e1af2756e061a112bde8711
  • opensbi: d4c46e0ff1b0ead9d5a586e1a19a00a92160206d
  • Tools: 693661d4ba314424f76c06da1bbb799e9b534c9f
  • u-boot: 172b47f62039605d6806fa96bd403c21cda28996

Serial / UART

       PINE64 STAR64 UART

       3.3V  │ 1  2│ 5V
       SDA1  │ 3  4│ 5V
       SCL1  │ 5  6│ GND
GPIO55       │ 7  8│ TXD
       GND   │ 9 10│ RXD

Use screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 to monitor serial port.


Connect a JTAG adapter to GPIO Star64 schematic p. 18 J5 and Match it with the configuration as of in starfive-tech/u-boot: board: starfive_visionfive2.c#L354. Also see: - visionfive jtag port - JH7110 GPIO AF

      PINE64 STAR64 JTAG

            │33 34│ GND
GPIO63 TMS  │35 36│ nTRST GPIO36
GPIO60 TCK  │37 38│ TDI   GPIO61
       GND  │39 40│ TDO   GPIO44


You can use the visionfive2 openocd config.

mkdir -p openocd/
nano openocd/starfive-visionfive2.cfg
openocd -f interface/ftdi/um232h.cfg -f openocd/starfive-visionfive2.cfg

BOOT fail,Error is 0xffffffff

If you get the BOOT fail,Error is 0xffffffff error just press the reset key again. This error keeps ocurring if powering the star64 on. But pressing reset will make the star64 boot normally.