Recovering the Bootloader for STAR64 JH7710 over serial using screen

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STAR64 serial wiring

Connect a USB to serial converter cable with 3.3 V TTL levels to your STAR64 to the pins 4 (GND), 6 (TXD) and 8 (RXD).

Avoid the pins below pin 6; those are 5 V which is enough to mess up most serial cables.

Serial pins on the STAR64 I/O connector

Recovering the Bootloader for STAR64 JH7710 over serial using screen

cd <path-to-directory-with-Tools>
screen -m -S star64 /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
# open a second shell
screen -S star64 -X exec \!\! sx Tools/recovery/jh7110-recovery-20230322.bin
# type 0 in the first shell
screen -S star64 -X exec \!\! sx u-boot/spl/u-boot-spl.bin.normal.out # file created with: ../Tools/spl_tool/spl_tool -c -f spl/u-boot-spl.bin
# type 2 in the first shell
screen -S star64 -X exec \!\! sx u-boot/u-boot.itb # file created with: tools/mkimage -f ../Tools/uboot_its/visionfive2-uboot-fit-image.its -A riscv -O u-boot -T firmware u-boot.itb

Backup current SPI

Using Linux

Execute the commands on the star64 (takes some time):

dd if=/dev/mtd0 of=/tmp/star64-factory-spl.bin
dd if=/dev/mtd1 of=/tmp/star64-factory-uboot.bin
dd if=/dev/mtd2 of=/tmp/star64-factory-data.bin

Execute on you host:

rsync ${MNAME}:'/tmp/star64-factory-*' .
