User:Oogwaymaki/Kernel Installation

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Installing Megi's pre-compiled kernel

This tutorial is based on Debian Linux package management:


You'll need a uart or a way to connect to your device to call

depmod -a

Install dependencies:

  • u-boot-tools allows you to make images
  • rsync allows you to copy and backup
# apt-get update
# apt-get install rsync u-boot-tools

First, download the the PinePhone CE (1.2) Kernel:

# wget

Extract the kernel:

Create a separate folder for organization and separation: Extract the a "tar" "gz" file using tar.

# tar -zxvf pp2.tar.gz 

A default Mobian Installation looks like this:

Device     Boot  Start     End Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sda1  *      1953  250000  248048 121.1M 83 Linux
/dev/sda2       250001 7421874 7171874   3.4G 83 Linux

Notice the small size on the /boot partition.

This means we probably will have to, either kill the partition or resize both partitions:

Easiest thing to do:

Please all all the new files on the /dev/sda2 (they'll probably be more than 121 M)

Next we need to update the initrd image, to have the new modules, (the initrd image is a RAM disk helping the system to boot and needs kernel drivers while booting):

How to get and update initrd image:

Mount Mobian boot image: Make sure your the root user for this for ease of installation: Delete the old kernel modules and put the new latest ones there

# mkdir debianboot
# mount /dev/sda1 /media/debianboot
# cd /usr/src
# mkdir initrd
# cd /usr/src/initrd
# cp /media/debianboot/initrd.img-5.7-pinephone  .
# zcat initrd.img-5.7-pinephone | cpio -idmv 
# rm initrd.img-5.7-pinephone 
# cd /usr/src/initrd/lib/modules
# rm -rf /usr/src/initrd/lib/modules/5.7-pinephone
# rsync -avh pp2-5.8/modules/lib/modules/ initrd/lib/modules/

Repackage the Mobian Boot Image after new kernel modules installed and copy over to main mobian image now

# find . | cpio -o -c | gzip -9 > initrd.img-5.8-pinephone
# mkdir /media/mobianroot
# mount /dev/sda2 /media/mobianroot
# cp initrd/initrd.img-5.8-pinephone /media/mobianroot/boot/

Copy the pp 2.8 kernel and dab definition files to Mobian boot folder and update the boot.scr

# cp pp2-5.8/board.dtb /media/mobianroot/boot/
# cp pp2-5.8/Image /media/mobianroot/boot/
# cd /media/mobianroot/boot
# gzip Image
# cd /media/mobian/root/boot

Change the old boot.cmd to the new settings:

if test ${mmc_bootdev} -eq 0; then
	echo "Booting from SD"
	setenv linux_mmcdev 0
	echo "Booting from eMMC"
	setenv linux_mmcdev 2

# If we have at least 2 partitions, then the 1st one is /boot, and / is #2
if fstype mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:2; then
	setenv rootpart 2
	setenv rootpart 1
	setenv bootdir "/boot"

setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend panic=10 consoleblank=0 loglevel=7 root=/dev/mmcblk${linux_mmcdev}p${rootpart} rw splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=0

led 1 on

echo "Loading kernel..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:1 ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${bootdir}/Image.gz

echo "Uncompressing kernel..."
unzip ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${kernel_addr_r}

echo "Loading initramfs..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:1 ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${bootdir}/initrd.img
setenv ramdisk_size ${filesize}

echo "Loading dtb..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:1 ${fdt_addr_r} ${bootdir}/dtb/${fdtfile}

led 2 on

echo "Booting..."
booti ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r}:0x${ramdisk_size} ${fdt_addr_r}

Remove the old boot.cmd

# rm boot.cmd

to this, we removed the configuration of the first disk we won't be using it we also pointed everything to second disk for kernel and boot images

if test ${mmc_bootdev} -eq 0; then
	echo "Booting from SD"
	setenv linux_mmcdev 0
        setenv rootpart 2
	echo "Booting from eMMC"
	setenv linux_mmcdev 2
	setenv rootpart 2

setenv bootdir /boot
setenv ftdfile ${bootdir}/board.dtb

setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend panic=10 consoleblank=0 loglevel=7 root=/dev/mmcblk${linux_mmcdev}p${rootpart} rw splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=0 initrd=/boot/initrd.img

led 1 on

echo "Loading kernel..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:2 ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${bootdir}/Image.gz

echo "Uncompressing kernel..."
unzip ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${kernel_addr_r}

echo "Loading initramfs..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:2 ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${bootdir}/initrd.img
setenv ramdisk_size ${filesize}

echo "Loading dtb..."
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:2 ${fdt_addr_r} ${ftdfile}
led 2 on

echo "Booting..."
booti ${kernel_addr_r} - ${fdt_addr_r}

Save new boot.cmd to /dev/sda1 root folder (where the old boot.cmd was)

  1. cd /media/mobianboot
#  mkimage -C none -A arm64 -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr
root@wifirouter:/media/mobianboot#  mkimage -C none -A arm64 -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr
Image Name:   
Created:      Mon Jun 29 19:13:19 2020
Image Type:   AArch64 Linux Script (uncompressed)
Data Size:    876 Bytes = 0.86 KiB = 0.00 MiB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point:  00000000
   Image 0: 868 Bytes = 0.85 KiB = 0.00 MiB

