SOQuartz Software Releases
This page contains a list of all available operating systems for the SOQuartz.
DietPi support with Debian/Bullseye
Info and downloads:
James Chambers did a soquartz review, and recommends the Armbian build from above.
Manjaro ARM
Manjaro ARM is a user friendly rolling release distribution, based on Arch Linux ARM.
WiFI, Bluetooth, Ethernet, HDMI USB etc. works, others are not tested.
Currently the image is built for Raspberry Pi CM4 - IO board, so to get it working with other base board like pine64 Soquartz model A base board then follow this steps
- Flash the image to a SD card/ EMMC.
- Go to Boot partition.
- Then change the DTB listed in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to -model-a.dtb instead of -cm4.dtb.
- Now put the SD card/ EMMC to the preferred base board and boot.
- First boot will take time as the user partition will resize to take whole storage size.
For headless installation, simply enter "root" at the login: prompt and complete setup.
Plebian stands for PINE64 Live Debian and aims to be a fairly vanilla live Debian image for Quartz64 and SOQuartz devices, based on Debian Bookworm. It supports both of PINE64's officially released SOQuartz base boards.
To flash, run (replace /dev/sdX with your target block device):
$ xzcat imagename.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M oflag=dsync status=progress
Check Plebian's flashing instructions for instructions on how to flash from e.g. Windows.
Some quick notes:
- You will be asked to change your password on first login (for what the default login is, read the instructions!)
- Root file system is grown to take up the entire space of your boot device
- NetworkManager is used instead of Debian's interfaces config to be more flexible with what adapters are plugged in and working
- An sshd is started on port 22 with freshly generated keys
- Please flash the correct image for your SOQuartz baseboard!