PINE64 Community Projects Wiki Page
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There are currently 148 projects on this wiki.
Retro Gaming Projects
PINE64 Retro Gaming Projects
Most PINE64 devices are capable of emulating old computer and video game consoles such as the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Desktop Computer Projects
Desktop Applications of PINE64 SBCs
All PINE64 Single Board Computers are capable of acting as destkop computers. This includes a variety of Linux destkop environments (such as Mate or XFCE) as well as different types of Android.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Network Attached Storage (NAS) Projects
NAS Projects
Most PINE64 Single Board Computers feature Gigabit Ethernet connections and multiple USB 2.0 / 3.0 ports, and are therefore well suited for domestic NAS applications.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Media Server and Player Projects
NAS Projects
All PINE64 Single Board Computers are capable of acting at media servers as well as playback devices. Dedicated Linux destributions such as LibreELEC as well as Android TV make for great couch media consumption experiences. Your device may also perform the role of a media server.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Projects Utilising General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Pins
PINE64 Retro Gaming Projects
All PINE64 Single Board Computers have a set of GPIO pins that you can use in your project. The PINEBOOK can also make use GPIO using different means ... you can read about them in this section.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Server and Docker Projects
Server/Docker Projects
All PINE64 Single Board Computers can be used as a wide variety of servers. Common applications include LAMP and Docker servers, but a there is nearly a limitless amount of plausible server applications.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Cluster Computing Projects
Cluster Projects
Have you got two or more PINE64 Single Board Computer board? Consider building a cluster. Clutering of two or more PINE64 boards presents as a fantastic oportunity to explore and learn about node failure management, task scheduling, debuggin, data sharing and much more.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Home Automation Projects
Home Automation Projects
PINE64 Single Board Computers - all equipped with milti-core SOCs and GPIO - can become an adition to, or the basis for, your home automation project. Use an existing platform like OpenHAB which is compatible with commercially available devices, add aditional functionality to MotionEye, or just hack away and make things your own.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Robotics Projects
Robotics Projects
Use your PINE64 Single Board Computer featuring a milti-core SOCs and GPIO to have a go at robotics. Download an existing Open Source robotics project from Github or start your own; browse this section for inspiration and resources.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
PADI IoT Stamps Projects
PADI Projects
PADI is a tiny microcontroller that can be used in conjunction with your PINE64 SBC or the Pinebook
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
Other Projects
Other Projects
You have no doubt come up with something that we didn't think about, and that is truly great. Perhaps your project is interesting enough that it will be granted its own section. After all if you have imagination then sky is the limit.
Project Author(s)
Project Link
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project
John Doe |
A64 |
link |
Notes about the project
Jane Doe |
link |
Notes about the project