PinePhone Sensors and Navigation
The Pinephone contains various components that enable or aid orientation and navigation tasks.
- Multi-GNSS Receiver as part of the cellular modem (GPS/Galileo/Glonass/BeiDou)
- IMU (Inertial Measurment Unit), combined Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensor (MPU6050)
- Magnetometer (LIS3MDL or AF8133J)
[TODO: add block diagram]
Quectel EG25G Modem / GNSS Receiver
[TODO: add interfaces, constraints, antenna location]
Invensense/TDK MPU6050 IMU
Key features:
- Digital-output X-, Y-, and Z-Axis angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) with selectable range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec
- Digital-output triple-axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g
- 400kHz Fast Mode I2C for communicating with all registers
ST LIS3MDL Magnetometer/Compass
Key features:
- ±4/±8/±12/±16 gauss selectable magnetic full scale range
- 16-bit data output
- ...
VTC AF8133J Magnetometer/Compass
Key features:
- ±12/±22 gauss selectable magnetic full scale range
- 400Hz max. update rate
- 16-bit data output
Sensor reference frames
The sensors are mounted on the Pinephone's main board in different positions and orientations, for the purpose of orientation and navigation it is important to know the relationship between the sensor coordinate frames and the body frame of the phone...
[TODO: add sensor mounting positions/orientation in respect to body frame, introduce coordinate systems]
As a basis for software development, a common body coordinate system has to be established along with it's relation to a world coordinate system...
[TODO: explain body reference choices, north-east-down world coordinates]
[TODO: i2cdev, linux-iio, support matrix]
- MPU6050:inv_mpu6050, inv_mpu6050_i2C, industrialio
- LIS3MDL: st_sensors, st_sensors_i2c, st_magn, st_magn_i2c, industrialios
iio:device1: lis3mdl (buffer capable) 4 channels found: magn_x: (input, index: 0, format: le:S16/16>>0) 3 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: raw value: 6766 attr 1: scale value: 0.000146 attr 2: scale_available value: 0.000146 0.000292 0.000438 0.000584 magn_y: (input, index: 1, format: le:S16/16>>0) 3 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: raw value: -2046 attr 1: scale value: 0.000146 attr 2: scale_available value: 0.000146 0.000292 0.000438 0.000584 magn_z: (input, index: 2, format: le:S16/16>>0) 3 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: raw value: 12726 attr 1: scale value: 0.000146 attr 2: scale_available value: 0.000146 0.000292 0.000438 0.000584 timestamp: (input, index: 3, format: le:S64/64>>0) 3 device-specific attributes found: attr 0: current_timestamp_clock value: realtime attr 1: sampling_frequency value: 1 attr 2: sampling_frequency_available value: 1 2 3 5 10 20 40 80 2 buffer-specific attributes found: attr 0: data_available value: 0 attr 1: watermark value: 1 Current trigger: trigger0(lis3mdl-trigger)
OS level services
[TOOD: modem manager, ofono, gpsd, iio-sensor-proxy, geoclue]
[TODO: minicom, gpsmon, monitor-sensor, iio-utils...]
[TODO: pure-maps, navit, ...]
[TODO: Open issues, tasks, projects]
- AGPS integration
- Raw magnetometer data + calibration in iio-sensor-proxy
- Compass App