Reprogramming the PineTime
The PineTime Dev Kit comes with the back not glued down to allow it to be easily reprogramed but the kit does not include an hardware programmer. There are a bewildering variaty of different hardware programmers available but whatever programmer you have there are only a few tasks you will have to learn about:
- Unlock the device
- Upload new software
- Run a debugger
Unlocking the device is a one-time action that is needed to enable to debug port and provide full access to the device. Unlocking the device will erase all existing software from the internal flash.
Black Magic Probe
BlackMagic Probe is an JTAG/SWD adapter with open-source firmware, allowing for it to be ported to a multitude of different boards. One of it's defining features is lack of need for intermediate software such as OpenOCD - one would just need to connect to the GDB server running on the chip and proceed with debugging. For more information, refer to wiki.
Native adapters
The native adapters are the official Black Magic family of debug adapters, including the original Black Magic Probe and the Black Magic Probe Mini. By buying the official hardware you are supporting the continued development of the Black Magic Probe software.
Providing your native adapter is running up-to-date firmware then it can be used to program your PineTime.
STM32 (Blue Pill)
It is possible to flash a popular development board based on STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller, known as Blue Pill, to make a BlackMagic Probe device. For example, one may follow instructions in forum post or gist (mac os). Also, it is possible to use SWD pins on the board to flash other devices, instead using arbitrary pins on the board itself. See this link for more detals.
Other hardware
The Black Magic Probe firmware can be run on a variety of host devices. See BMP Debugger Hardware for more information.
Uploading new software
Refer to the BMP wiki for the full description of commands. Overall, the process on Linux is like following. (/dev/ttyBmpGdb is a symlink created by the udev rule). It's useful to create a gdb script file (or .gdbinit) with following commands:
target extended-remote /dev/ttyBmpGdb monitor swdp_scan attach 1 file %firmware file%
Then one may use load command to flash the firmware, compare-sections to verify the upload, or monitor erase_mass to erase the firmware. Then, proceed with debugging as normal.
The following steps have been tested with the Segger JLink embedded in the NRF52-DK development board.
Connect the Pinetime SWD pins to the debugger (P20 on NRF52-DK)
Pintime | JLink |
VCC (3.3V) | VTG (target detect) |
Unlocking the FLASH
Unlocking the device and erase the memory.
You need to execute this step only once, to remove the read protection on the memory. Note that it will erase the whole flash memory of the MCU! :
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --recover
Uploading new software
1. Program the BLE softdevice (if needed by the firmware). Replace PATH_TO_NRF_SDK by the path where you unzipped the NRF52 SDK :
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program /PATH_TO_NRF_SDK/components/softdevice/s132/hex/s132_nrf52_6.1.1_softdevice.hex --sectorerase
2. Program the firmware (replace firmware.hex by the actual filename of the firmware):
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program firmware.hex --sectorerase
3. Reset and run the new firmware:
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --reset
Copied from this article.
Issue this command to initialize a connection to the devkit:
openocd -d2 -c 'source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]; transport select swd; source [find target/nrf52.cfg]'
Start OpenOCD:
openocd \ -c 'interface jlink; transport select swd; source [find target/nrf52.cfg]' \ -c 'init'
Now you can connect to `` (`localhost`) port `4444` using telnet to invoke OpenOCD commands. GDB should be available on port `3333`.
Raspberry Pi
Instructions in Medium post, subsequently updated with a more reliable method under development, so may be a bit of a moving target.
Additionally, look at this Github repo for a script that aims to simplify the bootloader install process by using a modified version of the above scripts.
Unlocking the device
Once you have connected to the device then the OpenOCD command console is accessable via a network socket. If you need to disable access port protection then you can do this using the following commands below.
Note: Unlocking the device to remove access port protection will erase the contents of flash.
telnet localhost 4444 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Open On-Chip Debugger > nrf52.dap apreg 1 0x04 0x00000000 > nrf52.dap apreg 1 0x04 0x01 > nrf52.dap apreg 1 0x04 0x00000001
(If the `nrf52.dap` command cannot be found, try just `dap` instead.)
A more detailed description can be found at
Uploading new software
Just issue this command, replace code.hex with your own (and cmsis-dap.cfg with an approprate adapter).
openocd -c 'source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]; transport select swd; source [find target/nrf52.cfg]' \ -c init \ -c 'nrf5 mass_erase' \ -c 'program code.hex verify' \ -c reset \ -c exit