Difference between revisions of "PinePhone Pro Software Releases"

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m (Fedora fix)
(26 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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This page contains a list of all available releases and tools for the [[PinePhone Pro]].
This page contains a list of all available releases and tools for the [[PinePhone Pro]].

== Linux ==  
== Factory builds ==

=== Arch Linux ARM ===
These are two operating system builds that was preloaded in the factory with testing utility.
Download the build, extract the image and dd it to a 8 GB or larger microSD card, then insert it into the PinePhonePro.
Press "RES" button for two seconds when power up, follows on screen instruction and apply the build from microSD card to eMMC.
<div style="overflow: auto;">
{| class="wikitable" style="white-space: nowrap"
! Distribution
! Download Link
! File Size
! MD5
| Sailfish with RK2AW
| [https://files.pine64.org/os/PinePhonePro/ppp-factory-image-20231118.img.gz ppp-factory-image-20231118.img.gz]
| 447MB
| <code>4e31e0a6b0999e3e3df45f86a7dc9c33</code>
| Manjaro with Tow-Boot
| [https://files.pine64.org/os/PinePhonePro/Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-factory-20211212.img.xz Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-factory-20211212.img.xz]
| 1.37GB
| <code>b82ba02287c1699b14fed403ce485b44</code>
== Arch Linux ARM ==

Line 9: Line 33:
Currently being maintained by the [https://danctnix.org/ DanctNIX] community (GitHub: [https://github.com/DanctNIX/danctnix danctnix], [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded dreemurrs-embedded]).
Currently being maintained by the [https://danctnix.org/ DanctNIX] community (GitHub: [https://github.com/DanctNIX/danctnix danctnix], [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded dreemurrs-embedded]).

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

Get both stable and test builds at [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/releases GitHub releases].
Get both stable and test builds at [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/releases GitHub releases].
Line 21: Line 45:
! root (barebone only)
! root (barebone only)
| <code>root/root</code>
| <code>root/root</code>
=== Notes ===
The GitHub page can be found here: [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/ dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch]
A re-image of the above Arch image providing a Btrfs root partitioning has been [https://github.com/K-arch27/arch-pine64-build-btrfs/releases/ made by user kaida].
== Fedora ==
An (unofficial) Fedora Linux build for aarch64 with megi's kernel and [https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/mobility/pinephones/ some additional packages] to tie it all together.
It aims to eventually be an upstream part of the Fedora project, rather than a phone-specific distribution.
* Forum discussion: [https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=9347 Fedora + Phosh for PinePhone]
* GitLab: [https://gitlab.com/fedora/sigs/mobility]
==== Download ====
* [https://github.com/nikhiljha/pp-fedora-sdsetup          Build scripts]
* [https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/mobility/pinephones/    Packages (Fedora COPR)]
There is also an FTP server with images build every night @ ftp://pine.warpspeed.dk/nightly/pinephone/ (Mount this with something like Nautilus)
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="2" style="background: #a7d7f9;"| Default credentials
! Nightly images (via FTP)
| <code>pine/1111</code>

==== Notes ====
==== Notes ====
The GitHub page can be found here: [https://github.com/dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch/ dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch]

A re-image of the above Arch image providing a Btrfs root partitioning has been [https://github.com/K-arch27/pinebtrfs/ made by user kaida].
WiFi, Bluetooth, SMS, Data, Calls all work! There are still a few bugs though, and [https://xnux.eu/devices/pine64-pinephone.html#toc-feature-driver-support-matrix some features don't have driver support yet] on any PinePhone distribution.
Please send your bug reports to [https://gitlab.com/groups/fedora/sigs/mobility/-/issues the project's issue tracker]. Be sure to include logs if applicable!

=== Gentoo ===
== Gentoo ==

There are unofficial Gentoo overlays with ebuilds for the PinePhone Pro. There are no images - the image must be built manually, including picking the kernel, bootloader and the desired desktop environment. The ARM64 version of Gentoo has to be selected. The PinePhone Pro will not boot with P-Boot but will boot with U-Boot, there is an ebuild for it.
There are unofficial Gentoo overlays with ebuilds for the PinePhone Pro. There are no images - the image must be built manually, including picking the kernel, bootloader and the desired desktop environment. The ARM64 version of Gentoo has to be selected. The PinePhone Pro will not boot with P-Boot but will boot with U-Boot, there is an ebuild for it.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

The overlay can be found under https://github.com/stealthgun/gjdwebserver-overlay
The overlay can be found under https://github.com/stealthgun/gjdwebserver-overlay

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===

See https://stealthgun.tweakblogs.net/blog/19830/gentoo-on-a-pinephone-pro for the documentation.
See https://stealthgun.tweakblogs.net/blog/19830/gentoo-on-a-pinephone-pro for the documentation.
Line 44: Line 96:
{{Info|Please consider cross-compiling the software on the computer. Long compilation times and heat production can lead to a reduced lifespan of the phone.}}
{{Info|Please consider cross-compiling the software on the computer. Long compilation times and heat production can lead to a reduced lifespan of the phone.}}

== GloDroid ==

=== GloDroid ===
A fully open-source port of Android and LineageOS to the PinePhone Pro.

A fully open source port of Android to the PinePhone and PinePhone Pro.
GitHub: [https://github.com/GloDroidCommunity/pine64-pinephonepro GloDroid]

GitHub: [https://github.com/GloDroid/ GloDroid]
=== Download ===

==== Download ====
* Releases: [https://github.com/GloDroidCommunity/pine64-pinephonepro/releases GloDroid]

* Images: [https://github.com/GloDroid/glodroid_manifest/releases GloDroid]
=== Notes ===

==== Notes ====
Project status [https://github.com/GloDroidCommunity/pine64-pinephonepro/issues/1 link]

Initial support for the Pro since GloDroid v0.7.4.
== LuneOS ==
=== LuneOS ===

LuneOS is one of the original multi-tasking OS-es that runs on Linux. Based on HP/Palm's webOS, merged with latest technology stack from LG called webOS OSE (a derivative of what LG uses on their Smart TV's), software such as Qt5 and makes use of the Yocto build system.
LuneOS is one of the original multi-tasking OS-es that runs on Linux. Based on HP/Palm's webOS, merged with latest technology stack from LG called webOS OSE (a derivative of what LG uses on their Smart TV's), software such as Qt5 and makes use of the Yocto build system.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

* LuneOS (Initial preview): [https://github.com/webOS-ports/meta-pine64-luneos/releases Downloads]  
* LuneOS (Initial preview): [https://github.com/webOS-ports/meta-pine64-luneos/releases Downloads]  
Line 78: Line 126:

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===

In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi: You can simply connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.
In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi: You can simply connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.

=== Manjaro ARM ===
== Manjaro ARM ==

Manjaro is a user-friendly Linux distribution based on the independently developed Arch operating system with the Plasma Mobile and Phosh desktop environment.
Manjaro is a user-friendly Linux distribution based on the independently developed Arch operating system with the Plasma Mobile and Phosh desktop environment.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

* Phosh: [https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/phosh-dev/releases Dev] and [https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/phosh/releases Stable] (recommended)
* Phosh: [https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/phosh-dev/releases Dev] and [https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/phosh/releases Stable] (recommended)
Line 103: Line 150:

== Mobian ==
=== Mobian ===

An unofficial [https://www.debian.org Debian] build for ARM64 running with Phosh (developed by Purism, uses Wayland instead of Xorg).
An unofficial [https://www.debian.org Debian] build for ARM64 running with Phosh. The current version of the base Debian system is Debian Bookworm. See the installation instructions [https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/PINE64/PinePhonePro here]. If you have questions about Mobian, please ask them in the [https://matrix.to/#/#mobian:matrix.org Mobian Matrix room].
The base system is pure Debian, with only the GUI applications and a few others (ModemManager, WiFi chip firmware) being built from modified sources (as well as the kernel and u-boot).
Current version is Debian Bookworm.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

[https://images.mobian.org/pinephonepro/ Images]
[https://images.mobian.org/pinephonepro/ Images]

{{Info|Tow-Boot required to be able to boot the images, see [https://wiki.mobian-project.org/doku.php?id&#61;install-linux here]!}}
{{Info|Tow-Boot required to be able to boot the images, see [https://tow-boot.org/devices/pine64-pinephonePro.html here]!}}

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 125: Line 168:

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===
The development is work in progress. See [https://gitlab.com/mobian1/devices/pinephonepro-support pinephonepro-support] for further information. The Mobian wiki can be found [https://wiki.mobian-project.org/ here].
* The development is work in progress. The Mobian wiki can be found [https://wiki.mobian-project.org/ here].
* In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi, you need to install SSH on the device. You can do this by executing the following in a shell: "sudo apt-get install ssh", afterwards you can connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.
In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi, you need to install SSH on the device. You can do this by executing the following in a shell: "sudo apt-get install ssh", afterwards you can connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.

=== Kali Linux ===
== Kali Linux ==

The official Kali Nethunter images for PinePhone and PinePhone Pro have been released now. Get [https://github.com/Shubhamvis98/usb-arsenal-pinephone USB Arsenal] for your PinePhone's Kali Linux.
The official Kali Nethunter images for PinePhone and PinePhone Pro have been released now. Get [https://github.com/Shubhamvis98/nethunter-pinephone Nethunter App] for your PinePhone's Kali Linux.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

* [https://github.com/Shubhamvis98/kali-pinephone/releases Kali Phosh Unofficial]
* [https://www.kali.org/get-kali/#kali-mobile Kali Nethunter Pro Official]
* [https://www.kali.org/get-kali/#kali-mobile Kali Nethunter Pro Official]
{{Warning|There are reports that the official Kali images fail to boot.}}

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="2" style="background: #a7d7f9;"| Default credentials
!colspan="2" style="background: #a7d7f9;"| Default credentials
! Default user
! Default user for Unofficial Releases
| <code>kali/8888</code>
! Default user for Nethunter Releases
| <code>kali/1234</code>
| <code>kali/1234</code>

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===
$ unxz -c nethunterpro-*-pinephonepro-phosh.img.xz | dd of=/dev/{storage_block} bs=1M status=progress
$ growpart /dev/mmcblkX Y
$ e2fsck -y -f /dev/mmcblkXpY
$ resize2fs /dev/mmcblkXpY
# X: Storage Device Y: Partition Number

For the installation see the installation instructions under [[PinePhone Pro#Installation instructions]], or the general instructions under [[PinePhone Installation Instructions]].

=== Nemo Mobile ===
== Nemo Mobile ==

Nemo Mobile is the open source build of Sailfish OS with a open source UI called [http://nemomobile.net/glacier-home/ Glacier], [http://nemomobile.net/pages/Hello_manjaro/ based on Manjaro].
Nemo Mobile is the open source build of Sailfish OS with a open source UI called [http://nemomobile.net/glacier-home/ Glacier], [http://nemomobile.net/pages/Hello_manjaro/ based on Manjaro].

==== Download ====
=== Download ===

[https://img.nemomobile.net/2022.05/Manjaro-ARM-nemomobile-pinephonepro-0.9.img.xz Image]
[https://img.nemomobile.net/2022.05/Manjaro-ARM-nemomobile-pinephonepro-0.9.img.xz Image]
Line 179: Line 217:

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===
The website of the Nemo Mobile UX Team can be found [https://nemomobile.net/ here]. Please report bugs regarding the Nemo Mobile UI as [https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/main/issues GitHub issue].
The website of the Nemo Mobile UX Team can be found [https://nemomobile.net/ here]. Please report bugs regarding the Nemo Mobile UI as [https://github.com/nemomobile-ux/main/issues GitHub issue].

== NixOS ==
=== NixOS ===

NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager using declarative configuration to allow reliable system upgrades.
NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager using declarative configuration to allow reliable system upgrades.

==== Download ====
=== Download ===
Not available yet.
Not available yet.

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===
WIP. See https://github.com/NixOS/mobile-nixos/issues/440
WIP. See https://github.com/NixOS/mobile-nixos/issues/440

== postmarketOS ==
=== postmarketOS ===

postmarketOS extends [https://www.alpinelinux.org/ Alpine Linux] to run on smartphones and other mobile devices.
postmarketOS extends [https://www.alpinelinux.org/ Alpine Linux] to run on smartphones and other mobile devices.
It offers various user interfaces (Phosh, Plasma Mobile, Sxmo, Plasma Desktop, Gnome 3, Kodi, XFCE4, ...).
It offers various user interfaces (Phosh, Plasma Mobile, Sxmo, Plasma Desktop, Gnome 3, Kodi, XFCE4, ...).

==== Download ====
=== Download ===
[https://postmarketos.org/download/ Download page]
[https://postmarketos.org/download/ Download page]

Note that images for the PinePhone Pro are in the "community" category of devices indicating some features may not work. You can also build your own image using [https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Installation_guide pmbootstrap]
Note that images for the PinePhone Pro are in the "community" category of devices indicating some features may not work. You can also build your own image using [https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/Installation_guide pmbootstrap]

==== Notes ====
{| class="wikitable"
!colspan="2" style="background: #a7d7f9;"| Default credentials (regular images, not installer or pmbootstrap)
! Default user
| <code>user/147147</code>
=== Notes ===
See the [https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/PINE64_PinePhone_Pro_(pine64-pinephonepro) pine64-pinephonepro] page of the postmarketOS wiki for details.
See the [https://wiki.postmarketos.org/wiki/PINE64_PinePhone_Pro_(pine64-pinephonepro) pine64-pinephonepro] page of the postmarketOS wiki for details.

== Rhino Linux ==
Rhino Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution that uses the rolling-release model by tracking the <code>devel</code> branch of repositories. The port is currently maintained by Oren Klopfer (oklopfer).
Tow-Boot is required for installing Rhino Linux. Instructions for installing Tow-Boot to the PinePhone Pro can be found [https://tow-boot.org/devices/pine64-pinephonePro.html here]. After Tow-Boot has been installed to your device, Rhino Linux installation just requires flashing the <code>.img.xz</code> to an SD or the eMMC.
=== Download ===
[https://rhinolinux.org/download.html Rhino Linux Downloads] (select Pine64 on the dropdown)

=== Various DPA Images ===
{| class="wikitable"
Multiple versions of unofficial images of various Debian-based distributions by the user DPA. They also contain some of DPA's own software.
!colspan="2" style="background: #a7d7f9;"| Default credentials
==== Download ====
! Default user
The latest successful image builds can be found here: https://repo.dpa.li/apt/dpa-image-builder/images/?board=pinephone-pro
| <code>rhino/1234</code>
=== Notes ===
Foundational to the distribution is [https://pacstall.dev Pacstall], a Debian-based user repository inspired by the AUR. Additionally, RL comes with [https://rhinolinux.org/unicorn/ Unicorn], a custom modified version of XFCE with various modernizations and improvements, including auto-rotation for mobile devices.
[https://discord.gg/reSvc8Ztk3 Discord] - [https://matrix.to/#/#rolling-rhino-remix:matrix.org Matrix] - [https://github.com/rhino-linux GitHub] - [https://rhinolinux.org/wiki.html Wiki]

==== Notes ====
== Ubuntu Touch ==
Most of these images are still in development / incomplete and DPA doesn't have time to test them all, but they can still be useful as a starting point to get distributions running for which no other images have been created yet. DPA made these images because they wanted to run their favorite distribution, Devuan, on their phone.

The build scripts can be found in various places: [https://gitlab.com/DanielAbrecht/dpa-image-builder GitLab], [https://projects.dpa.li/git/?p=dpa-image-builder.git;a=summary my server], [https://github.com/Daniel-Abrecht/dpa-image-builder GitHub]
A Mobile Version of the Ubuntu Operating System made and maintained by the UBports Community. The port is currently maintained by Oren Klopfer (oklopfer).

In theory, these build scripts can create images for any Debian-based distribution which supports ARM64 and can be bootstrapped using ''debootstrap''.
Tow-Boot is required for installing the latest version of Ubuntu Touch (20.04) to the PinePhone Pro. Instructions for installing Tow-Boot to the PinePhone Pro can be found [https://tow-boot.org/devices/pine64-pinephonePro.html here].

Installation instructions can be found at
=== Template ===
[https://ubports.com/en/blog/ubports-news-1/post/pinephone-and-pinephone-pro-3889 this UBports post]. After Tow-Boot has been installed to your device, Ubuntu Touch installation just requires flashing the <code>.img.xz</code> to an SD or the eMMC.

Description of the operating system / distribution.
=== Download ===

==== Download ====
[https://gitlab.com/ook37/pinephone-pro-debos/-/releases UBports 20.04 PinePhone Pro Latest Releases]

* Phosh: LINK
[https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/pinephone-pro/release/focal UBports PinePhone Pro Device Info]
* Plasma Mobile: LINK

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Line 241: Line 294:
! Default user
! Default user
| <code>user/123456</code>
| Set during boot
! root
! root
| <code>root/root</code>
| <code>phablet/1234</code>

==== Notes ====
=== Notes ===
Optional! Notes.
Scroll down to the middle of [https://gitlab.com/ook37/pinephone-pro-debos/ the GitLab project page], or directly here [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/pinephone-pro/release/focal/#deviceOverview at the UBports website] to see which features work.
Contributions and bug reports can be made at the [https://gitlab.com/ook37/pinephone-pro-debos/ UBports PinePhone Pro GitLab page]. See [https://ubports.com/foundation/sponsors UBports website] for how to donate.
== Various DPA Images ==
Multiple versions of unofficial images of various Debian-based distributions by the user DPA. They also contain some of DPA's own software.
=== Download ===
The latest successful image builds can be found here: https://repo.dpa.li/apt/dpa-image-builder/images/?board=pinephone-pro
=== Notes ===
Most of these images are still in development / incomplete and DPA doesn't have time to test them all, but they can still be useful as a starting point to get distributions running for which no other images have been created yet. DPA made these images because they wanted to run their favorite distribution, Devuan, on their phone.
The build scripts can be found in various places: [https://gitlab.com/DanielAbrecht/dpa-image-builder GitLab], [https://projects.dpa.li/git/?p=dpa-image-builder.git;a=summary my server], [https://github.com/Daniel-Abrecht/dpa-image-builder GitHub]

==== How to contribute ====
In theory, these build scripts can create images for any Debian-based distribution which supports ARM64 and can be bootstrapped using ''debootstrap''.
Optional! Possibility to contribute.

==== How to report bugs ====
Optional! Explanation about how to report bugs.

[[Category:PinePhone Pro]]
[[Category:PinePhone Pro]]

Latest revision as of 21:18, 30 June 2024

This page contains a list of all available releases and tools for the PinePhone Pro.

Factory builds

These are two operating system builds that was preloaded in the factory with testing utility.

Download the build, extract the image and dd it to a 8 GB or larger microSD card, then insert it into the PinePhonePro. Press "RES" button for two seconds when power up, follows on screen instruction and apply the build from microSD card to eMMC.

Distribution Download Link File Size MD5
Sailfish with RK2AW ppp-factory-image-20231118.img.gz 447MB 4e31e0a6b0999e3e3df45f86a7dc9c33
Manjaro with Tow-Boot Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-factory-20211212.img.xz 1.37GB b82ba02287c1699b14fed403ce485b44

Arch Linux ARM


(Unofficial) Arch Linux ARM with choice of Phosh UI, Plasma Mobile, sxmo or barebones. Currently being maintained by the DanctNIX community (GitHub: danctnix, dreemurrs-embedded).


Get both stable and test builds at GitHub releases.

Default credentials
Default user alarm/123456
root (barebone only) root/root


The GitHub page can be found here: dreemurrs-embedded/Pine64-Arch

A re-image of the above Arch image providing a Btrfs root partitioning has been made by user kaida.



An (unofficial) Fedora Linux build for aarch64 with megi's kernel and some additional packages to tie it all together. It aims to eventually be an upstream part of the Fedora project, rather than a phone-specific distribution.


There is also an FTP server with images build every night @ ftp://pine.warpspeed.dk/nightly/pinephone/ (Mount this with something like Nautilus)

Default credentials
Nightly images (via FTP) pine/1111


WiFi, Bluetooth, SMS, Data, Calls all work! There are still a few bugs though, and some features don't have driver support yet on any PinePhone distribution.

Please send your bug reports to the project's issue tracker. Be sure to include logs if applicable!



There are unofficial Gentoo overlays with ebuilds for the PinePhone Pro. There are no images - the image must be built manually, including picking the kernel, bootloader and the desired desktop environment. The ARM64 version of Gentoo has to be selected. The PinePhone Pro will not boot with P-Boot but will boot with U-Boot, there is an ebuild for it.


The overlay can be found under https://github.com/stealthgun/gjdwebserver-overlay


See https://stealthgun.tweakblogs.net/blog/19830/gentoo-on-a-pinephone-pro for the documentation.

Note: Please consider cross-compiling the software on the computer. Long compilation times and heat production can lead to a reduced lifespan of the phone.


A fully open-source port of Android and LineageOS to the PinePhone Pro.

GitHub: GloDroid



Project status link



LuneOS is one of the original multi-tasking OS-es that runs on Linux. Based on HP/Palm's webOS, merged with latest technology stack from LG called webOS OSE (a derivative of what LG uses on their Smart TV's), software such as Qt5 and makes use of the Yocto build system.


Default credentials
Default user root


In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi: You can simply connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.

Manjaro ARM


Manjaro is a user-friendly Linux distribution based on the independently developed Arch operating system with the Plasma Mobile and Phosh desktop environment.


Default credentials
Default user manjaro/123456
root root/root



An unofficial Debian build for ARM64 running with Phosh. The current version of the base Debian system is Debian Bookworm. See the installation instructions here. If you have questions about Mobian, please ask them in the Mobian Matrix room.



Note: Tow-Boot required to be able to boot the images, see here!
Default credentials
Default user mobian/1234


  • The development is work in progress. The Mobian wiki can be found here.
  • In order to connect to the device using SSH/SCP via WiFi, you need to install SSH on the device. You can do this by executing the following in a shell: "sudo apt-get install ssh", afterwards you can connect via SSH/SCP via WiFi using the PinePhonePro's IP address on port 22.

Kali Linux


The official Kali Nethunter images for PinePhone and PinePhone Pro have been released now. Get Nethunter App for your PinePhone's Kali Linux.


Warning: There are reports that the official Kali images fail to boot.
Default credentials
Default user for Unofficial Releases kali/8888
Default user for Nethunter Releases kali/1234


For the installation see the installation instructions under PinePhone Pro#Installation instructions, or the general instructions under PinePhone Installation Instructions.

Nemo Mobile

Nemo mobile.png

Nemo Mobile is the open source build of Sailfish OS with a open source UI called Glacier, based on Manjaro.



Default credentials
Default user manjaro/123456
root root/root


The website of the Nemo Mobile UX Team can be found here. Please report bugs regarding the Nemo Mobile UI as GitHub issue.



NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager using declarative configuration to allow reliable system upgrades.


Not available yet.


WIP. See https://github.com/NixOS/mobile-nixos/issues/440


PostmarketOS logo.png

postmarketOS extends Alpine Linux to run on smartphones and other mobile devices. It offers various user interfaces (Phosh, Plasma Mobile, Sxmo, Plasma Desktop, Gnome 3, Kodi, XFCE4, ...).


Download page

Note that images for the PinePhone Pro are in the "community" category of devices indicating some features may not work. You can also build your own image using pmbootstrap

Default credentials (regular images, not installer or pmbootstrap)
Default user user/147147


See the pine64-pinephonepro page of the postmarketOS wiki for details.

Rhino Linux


Rhino Linux is an Ubuntu-based distribution that uses the rolling-release model by tracking the devel branch of repositories. The port is currently maintained by Oren Klopfer (oklopfer).

Tow-Boot is required for installing Rhino Linux. Instructions for installing Tow-Boot to the PinePhone Pro can be found here. After Tow-Boot has been installed to your device, Rhino Linux installation just requires flashing the .img.xz to an SD or the eMMC.


Rhino Linux Downloads (select Pine64 on the dropdown)

Default credentials
Default user rhino/1234


Foundational to the distribution is Pacstall, a Debian-based user repository inspired by the AUR. Additionally, RL comes with Unicorn, a custom modified version of XFCE with various modernizations and improvements, including auto-rotation for mobile devices.

Discord - Matrix - GitHub - Wiki

Ubuntu Touch


A Mobile Version of the Ubuntu Operating System made and maintained by the UBports Community. The port is currently maintained by Oren Klopfer (oklopfer).

Tow-Boot is required for installing the latest version of Ubuntu Touch (20.04) to the PinePhone Pro. Instructions for installing Tow-Boot to the PinePhone Pro can be found here.

Installation instructions can be found at this UBports post. After Tow-Boot has been installed to your device, Ubuntu Touch installation just requires flashing the .img.xz to an SD or the eMMC.


UBports 20.04 PinePhone Pro Latest Releases

UBports PinePhone Pro Device Info

Default credentials
Default user Set during boot
root phablet/1234


Scroll down to the middle of the GitLab project page, or directly here at the UBports website to see which features work.

Contributions and bug reports can be made at the UBports PinePhone Pro GitLab page. See UBports website for how to donate.

Various DPA Images

Multiple versions of unofficial images of various Debian-based distributions by the user DPA. They also contain some of DPA's own software.


The latest successful image builds can be found here: https://repo.dpa.li/apt/dpa-image-builder/images/?board=pinephone-pro


Most of these images are still in development / incomplete and DPA doesn't have time to test them all, but they can still be useful as a starting point to get distributions running for which no other images have been created yet. DPA made these images because they wanted to run their favorite distribution, Devuan, on their phone.

The build scripts can be found in various places: GitLab, my server, GitHub

In theory, these build scripts can create images for any Debian-based distribution which supports ARM64 and can be bootstrapped using debootstrap.